Conversation Olympics

Ted Hunt won a night aboard A Room for London in July 2012 with an idea for giving London commuters the Conversation Olympics: an alternative to trying to travel during the particularly congested peak times caused by the Olympics.

What's your idea?

The Conversation Olympics would be set up to create a fortnight of 'conversations of strangers' in London parks post work during the Olympic fortnight. They would allow for a small, non-commercially associated and free place where Londoners and visitors can constructively fill their time whilst waiting for public transport to calm down a bit, and chat to a diverse range of people they wouldn't normally get to talk to.

When were the first seeds of the idea sown?

When I helped celebrate Theodore Zeldin's birthday in Regents Park back in 2007, with his own conversation of strangers. It was then furthered by the realisation that there will probably be quite a few people in central London with after work time on their hands during the Olympics, given the sheer demand for public transport in the evening rush hour. And an ambition to use that time both constructively and non commercially.

Who have you invited to dinner in A Room for London to help develop the idea?

Theodore Zeldin the author of The Art of Conversation and an inspiring chap in general. Nick Stanhope from We Are What We Do. Some nice folks from the Royal Parks and Cultural Oympiad to help work out the logistics. David Plant for good conversation and sideways thinking and Jez Paxman for his grass roots event organising expertise.

What single thing would you like to happen that evening to help your idea get off the ground?

To gain an understanding of the potential logistics involved, and how to get around some of the larger challenges without significant resources.

How would you describe your relationship to London?

In a word, home.

How are you feeling about spending the night on board?

I live on a canal boat on Regents Canal so I'm used to life on board. I've never been on a boat that has been craned onto a roof 50 foot in the air in the centre of a city though, so that will be very novel.
